Christ’s Foundry is located at the north-west corner of Park Ln. and Webb Chapel: 9891 Webb Chapel Rd. Dallas, TX 75220.
The children and youth eat at 6:30pm. The meal time generally takes about 30 minutes.
Plan on arriving 15 minutes prior to eating unless you need more preparation time.
- Bring enough food for 30-40 children and 25-35 youth.
- Our attendance can vary, so bring something that can be divided in case there are many or a few:
Pizza, chicken nuggets, Chicken-N-Rice, subs, taquitos, hot dogs, etc. - Each week, we will begin serving with a small portion such as one piece of pizza.
- We receive a discount and tax exemption from Pizza Patron, Subway, Little Caesar’s, and CiCi’s Pizza.
- The youth love the Original Chicken-N-Rice on Northwest Hwy. See here for the Chicken-N-Rice website.
- Fruit or vegetables (go light here–the kids will probably not eat a whole lot of fruit or veggies, but we are trying to give them healthy food).
- If you have way too much food, just make a note and bring less the next week. Parents will be happy to take home any left overs. If you have way too little, we will cut the portions into smaller pieces and give thanks that we’re able to reach so many children!
- Bring water to drink. We are seeking to avoid sugary drinks.
- Bring some kind of dessert (cookies, brownies, or fruit). These will be given after choir as a prize.
- Bring EVERYTHING needed for the meal (paper products, serving utensils, etc.)
- 2-3 volunteers are more than sufficient, though more folks are certainly welcome to come.
- Children are welcome to come with their parents to serve.
Thank you for assisting Christ’s Foundry United Methodist Mission through providing a meal for the youth of our community. The food is a real draw for the children and youth of our community to come and receive life lessons that will assist them in their journey. May God bless you as come to minister to our children and youth.
We thank you and appreciate your ministry to these young people.
God bless you and see on a Wednesday night soon!